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Spider-Man: Far From Home "Midtown News" | Scene Recreation | 2020
Penny Kapa

Spider-Man: Far From Home "Midtown News" | Scene Recreation | 2020

Original Scene from Spider-Man Far From Home CHALLENGE WEEK #2, “I’VE SCENE THAT!” DIRECTIONS: Choose a scene from a film (school appropriate) and recreate it, shot for shot. You may use the *diegetic sound from the scene that you choose (lip sync); or your own audio that mimics the original track from the film scene. Comedies are always fun to do, while some dramatic scenes are also quite effective. Juxtaposing (contrast) a scene from one film into a different setting might also be an effective strategy (and also combines elements of comedy that you've previously looked at). • Content must be at least 90-seconds, but not more than 3-minutes. • Your remade scene must follow the film scene in its sequence and pacing. • You may choose an animated scene from a film. • DO NOT choose a scene that only has one static camera shot or animation. • Use actors or props as needed; try and choose a similar setting for your scene as in the original. • Plan to use this week to choose a scene, shoot and edit your remake. **Work with a partner; recruit anyone else you may need for actors, etc!** ** EASE YOUR EDITING AND SCENE SYNCS BY HAVING THE SCENE ON A COMPUTER WHILE YOU ARE ON LOCATION – DROP THE VIDEO INTO A TIMELINE AND MATCH YOUR SHOTS WITH THE SOURCE ** *DIEGETIC SOUND: Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film: • voices of characters • sounds made by objects in the story • music represented as coming from instruments in the story space ( = source music) CONTENT DUE TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020.
Tim Bannon Profile | The Current Unaired Episode Clip | 2019
Penny Kapa

Tim Bannon Profile | The Current Unaired Episode Clip | 2019

This Current episode did not air to the public. Senior Beacon Academy (Honors) 2019 MAGAZINE FEATURE ASSIGNMENT #3: (Holiday Themed?) Produce with a partner your own feature story segment for our full-length magazine show that will be aired on Elgin/South Elgin cable access station, Channel 17. As you know, our time slot will either precede or follow the televised school board meetings that appear on the same station. This gives us an exciting opportunity to connect with community stakeholders that value what's going on within our school district. Do produce something that fits well into a show like this, please remember the following: - SUMMARIZE the facts and general information about the story. - PARAPHRASE the ordinary things that people say. "'So and so' says that..." "According to so and so..." - SOUNDBITE the extraordinary things that people say. These are the things that are best stated by the experts themselves. -This isn't HARD news... Therefore, you have the opportunity to again explore your style and get creative with the way that you shoot your piece. J-cuts, cutaways and B-roll are a must; your VO will drive and enhance the visuals, not-to-mention setup your sound bites. All other production standards are in play (see attached learning targets/rubric). Whatever you produce should be able to ALWAYS standalone...meaning, if anyone watched your piece it would play as a cohesive narrative-- it doesn't need any other part of the magazine show to make sense! YOU MAY WORK WITH A PARTNER (AS SEGMENT PRODUCERS) and turn in your work as a PAIR for evaluation. As such, the turnaround time will be shorter than if you were working alone. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR FINISHED, POLISHED and METICULOUSLY prepared segment completed by the end of class on MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2019.
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